Sisi apana tambua wewe! Police arrest UDA politician for leading demos and exposing RUTO and his government badly

Thursday, February 15, 2024 – There was drama in Baringo County yesterday after police arrested a UDA politician for leading demonstrations against President William Ruto and his government.

Josphat Lokorio Lang'at, the Member of County Assembly for Barwessa ward in Baringo County was arrested during protests in the area.

The MCA had joined residents who were demonstrating against the increased cases of banditry and deaths linked to armed militia.

Police officers were at the scene in numbers to contain the situation.

Armed with twigs and placards while chanting "Haki Yetu! Haki Yetu!" the protesters walked across the streets, blocking vehicles from accessing the roads. 

Boda boda riders on the other hand rode in circles on the road blocking police vehicles from engaging the protesters. 

"I want to tell President William Ruto, the people who voted for and supported you are now crying for his help. We want you to order that this banditry in the north rift should end, we had a lot of hope in you when you were elected," one of the protestors stated.

Other residents lamented that recently, bandits killed a visually impaired teacher leading to an uproar. 

They also accused the government of giving false information regarding the Baringo operation conducted by a multi-agency unit comprising the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) and police. 

In their allegations, more innocent lives have been lost during the operation including children and women.

Additionally, members of the Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) were also among the demonstrators calling for a better and safer working environment for teachers.

Besides the MCA, another resident was arrested and detained in the police Landcruiser. He however managed to escape.


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