Shut Up You Old Man!! – WETANGULA blasts RAILA ODINGA as he insists that he is a competent Speaker

Monday, February 5, 2024 - National Assembly Speaker, Moses Wetangula, has responded to former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, who had termed him as an incompetent Speaker.

On Sunday, Raila Odinga said Wetangula is not fit to serve as a speaker after he moved to the Supreme Court to appeal the Court of Appeal ruling that declared the housing levy as unconstitutional.

The former Premier said the decision by Wetang'ula to move to the apex court was irregular as he oversaw the passage of the Housing Levy as speaker of the National Assembly.

"Moses Wetang'ula does not deserve to be speaker of the National Assembly," Raila said.

However, in a rejoinder, Wetang'ula said Raila Odinga should get his facts right, before displaying such public outbursts.

"Get the facts right before such outbursts! Misplaced, misdirected & unhelpful anger Mr Raila Odinga," Wetang'ula said on X.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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