Shock as AG JUSTIN MUTURI distances himself from RUTO’s housing project

 Thursday, February 8, 2024 - Attorney General Justin Muturi has surprised Kenyans after he distanced himself from President William Ruto’s housing project.

Appearing before the Parliamentary Joint Committee of Finance and Housing on Wednesday, Muturi who is the Kenya Kwanza Alliance chief legal advisor, faulted the National Assembly for considering the Affordable Housing Bill of 2023 without involving the Senate.

Muturi said that housing is a devolved function, and the Senate must be involved despite the bill expressly exempting the Senate from its consideration.

The AG, however, confirmed that his office was involved in the drafting of the must-have law that seeks to cure gaps highlighted by the High Court when it nullified the exercise.

Muturi told Parliament that his office takes responsibility for the gaps on which the courts base their decisions in probing the housing levy.

"We take instructions from state departments; they tell us this is how they want it done. 

"We tell them how to go about it. Then it goes to Parliament for amendments, which is a very healthy democratic practice," Muturi said.


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