See why RUTO is desperately forcing RAILA to take up the chairmanship of AU Commission? He personally begged BABA to offer himself for the job


Thursday, February 15, 2024 – As the term of the current Chairman of the African Union (AU) Commission Moussa Faki Mahamat is almost coming to an end, pressure is piling up on Azimio Leader Raila Odinga to take up the position.

Highly placed sources have disclosed that there has been intense lobbying by people within President William Ruto’s administration to convince Raila to offer himself for the AU office.

A source from Raila’s inner circles disclosed that Ruto personally approached the ODM leader with the proposal and promised to rally the government’s support for his AU office candidature should he accept the offer.

Mahamat, who is a former Minister of Foreign Affairs, is set to leave office in March next year.

The push from Ruto’s administration to try and convince Raila to take the helm at the AU office is being seen as a way to keep him busy away from the political arena where he has been a headache for Ruto.

Though likely to raise Raila’s stature, the move, according to those privy to the President’s thinking, will effectively soften Baba, who will be required to adopt a diplomatic appearance that is demanded of the continental job.

Besides, it will gag him from active political campaigns for himself or another candidate, perceived to be Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka.

With Raila currently standing out as Ruto’s fiercest political threat, pundits and governance experts believe by taking the AU position, the opposition leader would have automatically bolstered the incumbent’s chances of re-election in 2027.

However, others like Prof Fred Ogola of Operation Linda Ugatuzi (OLU), believe Ruto should not be concerned about Raila as his only political rival as there could be other surprise opponents who can give him a tougher run than Raila.


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