RAILA ODINGA calls MPs to pass bipartisan committee report urgently to end political prostitution

Thursday, February 29, 2024 - Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader, Raila Odinga, has called for the speedy parliamentary approval of the Bipartisan Committee Bills to end the culture of political prostitution.

Speaking on Thursday, Raila said once the National Dialogue Committee (Nadco) report is adopted by Parliament, its implementation will see MPs who cross over the other side of the political divide lose their seats.

Speaking in Marani, Kisii County while launching an irrigation scheme, Raila said that elected leaders must respect the will of the people who voted for them by remaining loyal to the sponsoring parties for the rest of their term.

"Once elected on an ODM ticket, you have a contract with the party for five years and if you want to cross to the other side, then you must resign and seek a fresh mandate,'' Raila said

"That is why we took the Nadco report to Parliament and we want it passed quickly so that those who cross to other parties must resign,'' Raila added.

The National Assembly and the Senate last week approved the Nadco report without any amendments.


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