RAILA is the next African Union (AU) Chairperson like or not – See who has endorsed him for the big seat that has given BABA a lot of hope?

 Thursday, February 15, 2024 – Azimio Leader Raila Odinga has received huge backing in his bid to become the next African Union Chairperson.

This is after former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo endorsed Raila for the position.

Addressing the press today, Obasanjo remarked that Raila was the right candidate to take over the mantle of leadership from Moussa Faki. 

"I have no doubt that my friend who is standing next to me is the right person to take over the mantle. 

"If the EAC region backs him, I believe the rest of the continent will support him” Obasanjo stated while flanked by Raila. 

Speaking after the endorsement, Raila Odinga remarked that he was ready and had conviction of being the best candidate for the job. 

"I have been consulting widely. I think I am ready to serve the continent of Africa," adding that his candidacy was fueled by the belief that the continent deserved better. 

Explaining the rationale behind his endorsement, Obasanjo remarked that it was time for the East African region to lead the AU in such a capacity. 

According to the former president, the demands of the position would better be executed by someone who had held a high position in government, including as president or prime minister. 

Raila served as Kenya's second prime minister between 2007 and 2013. 

The Azimio leader remarked that he would tap on that experience to guide the continent to prosperity and posterity. 

"I am ready to serve Africa mainly because as a Pan-Africanist I believe strongly that Africa is playing in a league that it should not be playing. 

"Africa deserves better," Raila remarked while accepting the endorsement. 

Explaining his vision for the continent should he clinch the position, Raila who served in AU as High Representative for Infrastructure Development in Africa, remarked that he would ensure the region tapped on its vast natural resources. 


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