MUTAHI NGUNYI buries RAILA’s Azimio’s hopes as he predicts a landslide victory for RUTO in 2027 despite the lies and unfulfilled promises – Look!

Sunday, February 18, 2024 – President William Ruto will win the 2027 General Election by a landslide.

This was predicted by renowned Political Analyst Mutahi Ngunyi, who criticized those claiming that Ruto will only serve one term based on his lies and plethora of unfulfilled promises.

Sharing his message on X, Ngunyi argued that Ruto is a smart politician and that he will turn the lies into truths and will go ahead to win the election.

He pointed out that it’s merely wishful thinking to believe that Ruto won’t seek re-election due to the lies and unfulfilled promises.

According to Ngunyi, criticism aimed at Ruto, often labeled as lies or unfulfilled promises, in his view, are the genuine aspirations of an earnest leader.

“And for the record: Those saying that Ruto will be a one-term President are daydreamers. 

"In 2027, Ruto will win with a landslide. 

"I do not know how. But the trends are obvious to the objective eye. 

"What you are calling lies are the dreams of a sincere man. And God will grant them,” he stated.

President Ruto has been under fire for the unfulfilled promises he made to Kenyans during his campaign season, with others becoming infuriated at how he was running the country.

The high cost of living, choking taxation, youth unemployment, and corruption among other issues are some of the dire needs Kenyans have been calling on the government to address yet unattended to.

Additionally, his movements across the continent have not eased the situation with many Kenyans angered by the cost he is incurring as he globe-trots.


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