"He'll scamper for Safety," – Joke of the year as MILLICENT OMANGA dares SIFUNA to TV Interview Face-Off

Saturday, February 3, 2024 - Former Nominated Senator, Millicent Omanga, has surprised Kenyans after she dared ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna to a TV interview face-off.

This was after Sifuna clashed with Tana River Senator Danson Mungatana in a live TV interview on Wednesday.

Sifuna, who is a brilliant lawyer, reduced Mungatana to a mere heckler when exposing how President William Ruto has been lying to Kenyans daily.

Kenyans were impressed by Sifuna’s grasp of national matters and how he reduced Kenya Kwanza leaders to mere clowns.

Following the embarrassment of Kenya Kwanza leaders, Omanga has dared Sifuna to a live TV interview, claiming “he will scamper for safety”.

"Senator Edwin Sifuna is a good debater. He can be cantankerous during live TV debates. 

"Be it as it may, we must call his bluff over his penchant for calling the president a liar. I'm ready to take on him any day. 

"Trust me, he'll scamper for safety," Omanga wrote on her X platform.


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