EXPOSED: See how JOHNSON SAKAJA is looting billions using the school feeding programme – Where is moribund EACC? (VIDEO)


Thursday, February 1, 2024 - Nairobi County Senator, Edwin Sifuna, has exposed how Nairobi County Governor Johnson Sakaja has been looting billions of taxpayers' money using the Nairobi school feeding programme.

Sakaja, who was elected on the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) ticket started an initiative dubbed Food 4 Education initiative to feed all school-going children in Nairobi.

What Kenyans didn’t know is that Food 4 Education is not owned by the Nairobi County Government but is owned by Nairobi cartels who pocket billions of taxpayers' money every month.

The cartels have constructed a mega kitchen and when Sifuna toured the facility, some socialite bimbos were unable to explain who owns the mega kitchen.

Remember, Sakaja has even travelled to France to beg for money from French taxpayers to oil his cartel-run school feeding programme

Here is an expose by Sifuna showing how Sakaja has been stealing millions of Nairobians' taxes with the assistance of city cartels.


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