Big win for RAILA ODINGA as ANC backs his bid for AU President – JAKOM is unstoppable!!

 Sunday, February 18, 2024 - Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s bid to become the African Union chairperson has received a rocket boost after Amani National Congress (ANC) endorsed his bid.

In a statement on Saturday, ANC party leader Issa Timamy said it fully backs the ongoing diplomatic endeavors spearheaded by President William Ruto to have Raila Odinga lead the continental body.

Timamy also praised Prime Cabinet Secretary, Musalia Mudavadi, for leading campaigns to ensure Jakom is the next AU chairperson, ahead of the retirement of Mousa Faki late this year.

"The party expresses confidence in the timing and merits of Eastern Africa's bid for the AUC chairmanship and commends Mudavadi's steadfast leadership in championing the region's candidacy," Timamy said.

According to Timamy, Raila is a highly qualified candidate for the crucial position.

"His extensive experience and dedication to the advancement of the African continent make him a highly qualified candidate for this important position," he stated


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