Ukizaa tulikuwa na wewe? - Pastor NG’ANG’A lectures a needy parent who invited him for a Harambee (VIDEO).

 Tuesday, January 23, 2024 - Controversial city preacher James Maina Ng’ang’a of Neno Evangelism Church embarrassed a needy parent who recently asked for financial assistance from him.

The needy parent, who attends his church along Haille Sellasie Avenue, invited him for a Harambee as she desperately tries to look for money to enroll her child in form one.

Ng’ang’a turned her request down and humiliated her badly in front of her other congregants during a church service.

“Ukizaa tulikuwa na wewe? Nonsense,” the arrogant preacher said.

He told the parent to go to the man she sired the child with and ask for financial assistance.

“Enda kwa mwenye mlizaa na yeye uitishe usaidizi,” he added.

Watch the video.

 The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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