See who just died after a short illness? He was a big asset to BABA - May his soul rest in perfect peace


Monday, January 29, 2024 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s ODM is mourning the death of one of its grassroots pillars.

 In a statement on Monday, ODM announced the death of its Gem branch Youth League Chairman Aggrey Okoth Ombee.

ODM said Ombee passed on after a short illness.

The Raila Odinga-led party eulogized him as a dedicated and hardworking man who stood for the rights of the youth.

“We are saddened to learn of the death of Mr. Aggrey Okoth Ombee after a short illness. 

"Until his death, Mr. Ombee was Chairman of the Gem Branch of the ODM Youth League. 

"We have lost a hardworking and dedicated youth who stood for the rights of the youth,” ODM stated.

Ombee’s death comes days after ODM’s Wundayi branch chairperson Christopher Mchana passed away.

Mchana died on January 8 and was buried on Saturday, January 20 at his home in Moroko village.

“We mourn the passing on of our Wundanyi branch, Hon.Christopher Mchana, on Monday 8th. 

"Burial will take place on Saturday 20th January 2024 at Moroko village, Mghange Mwanda ward, Wundanyi sub-County. 

"We pray to God to grant the family strength during this trying time of grief,” ODM stated.

During the 2023 Christmas Eve, the opposition party lost its Migori chairperson Phillip Makabong'o.

He was laid to rest on Friday, January 12 at his home in Rongo, Migori County. 

ODM leader Raila Odinga and other politicians from the party attended the funeral.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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