OFFICIAL: The Nigerian government bans degrees from Kenya and Uganda.


Monday, January 22, 2024 - The Federal government of Nigeria in its bid to purge increasing cases of fake degrees has banned degrees from Kenya and Uganda.

In a statement issued by Education Minister Tahir Mamman, the government stated that Kenya and Uganda have been issuing fake degrees which have flooded Nigeria’s job market.

The Minister said Kenya and Uganda will join Benin and Togo which have also been banned from Nigeria.

“We are not just going to stop at Togo and Benin; we are going to extend the dragnet to countries like Uganda and Kenya where such (fraudulent) institutions have been set up,” he said in an interview with a local media outlet.

“They don’t really have physical sites; they are just very clandestine in their operations. But we need to protect our employers and the integrity of our qualifications.”

It all blew up when Umar Audu, a reporter for the Daily Nigerian newspaper, published an exposé revealing how he had obtained a four-year degree from a Benin university in six weeks.

While some have criticized the move, saying it will punish legitimate degree holders, the minister said he has “little sympathy” for the affected students, some of whom “are part of the problem.”


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