Kwenda Uko: Watch the moment an UDA MCA was heckled badly after trying to defend President RUTO at a funeral in Trans Nzoia County - Ground Ni Moto (VIDEO).


Monday, January 22, 2024 - Kinyoro Member of County Assembly, Andrew Kibet, who hails from Trans Nzoia County, was left with an egg on his face after he was heckled during a funeral while defending President William Ruto’s policies.

The youthful MCA had just taken to the stage where he drummed up support for the Kenya Kwanza regime.

 However, things did not go as planned as the residents started shouting him down and asking him to leave the podium.

The funeral emcee tried to intervene and calm the irate residents who were determined to see the politician leave the meeting.

“It is my work to protect my President. MP Caleb Amisi (Saboti) respect the President of Kenya,” the defiant MCA stated while directing his anger at Saboti MP Caleb Amisi, an ardent supporter of Raila Odinga.

Kibet attacked area leaders whom he accused of bad-mouthing Ruto and ruining the Head of State’s reputation among locals.

The MCA, in particular, called out Amisi for this.

He went on to emphasize that Ruto is the President and must be respected.

Those in the background could be heard accusing the MCA of failing to be honest about the State of the Nation, particularly the health of the country’s economy.

On his part, Amisi accused the MCA of attacking him.

Amisi added that Kibet arrived at the scene with a group of rowdy youth to disrupt the function.

The people of Saboti have told those being sent by the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) to frustrate me to try everywhere. 

"Trying to mobilise and incite a peace-loving community against me will not work,” he stated.

Amisi had earlier warned President Ruto against giving false promises to the people of Saboti.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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