Desperation as Haiti Government issues statement after court barred RUTO from deploying police – You won’t believe what Haiti Government said?


Monday, January 29, 2024 - Following the ruling delivered by the Kenyan High Court on Friday last week declaring deployment of the National Police Service (NPS) officers to Haiti unconstitutional, the Government of Haiti has issued a statement.

In the dispatch issued yesterday, the Caribbean country's government expressed its hope that the issues in Kenya would be addressed swiftly and that there would be a positive outcome.

The statement from Port-au-Prince (the Capital of Haiti) indicated that the country was ‘following developments in Kenya’ and was clinging to hope that Kenya would have a “swift and positive outcome” 

Further, the Haitian government, which is currently grappling with gangs that have taken over large parts of the country, thanked all the countries that had come forward to offer aid in different forms to restore order and sanity to the nation.

“We would like to thank the many countries that have come forward to offer various types of aid to restore order and security as soon as possible,” the statement read in part.

The statement went further to urge the citizens of Haiti to remain calm, support the nation’s security forces, and not allow themselves to be intimidated by disinformation campaigns and threats of violence.

The Kenyan government had offered to deploy 1,000 police officers to lead a multinational force tasked with restoring law and order in Haiti.

However, the High Court in Kenya declared the deployment unlawful with Justice Chacha Mwita observing that the Constitution “did not mandate the Council to deploy police officers outside Kenya,"

Citizens of Haiti have also expressed worry about their safety after the Kenyan court halted the planned deployment.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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