2 suspected poachers arrested with elephant tusks in Mt Elgon (PHOTOs).

 Wednesday, January 31, 2024 - Two men suspected to be poachers were arrested with elephant tusks at Mt Elgon.

The men were carrying the tusks when they were intercepted by police and officers from the Kenya Wildlife Service.

Police said they were on a motorcycle when they were stopped.

The motorcycle was detained at the local police station as the officials investigated the source of the ivory.

They will be charged with the offence of being in Possession of Wildlife Trophies of Endangered Species Contrary to Section 92(4) of the Wildlife Conservation Management Act 2013.

Officials said the seizure shows an elephant was killed and they are investigating to know where the incident happened.

Elephant tusks fetch a fortune in the black market as a surge in demand for ivory continues to fuel the illicit trade in elephant tusks, especially from Africa.

See photos of the suspects.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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