MURKOMEN upsets Gen Zs again as he increases charges for acquiring a Driving License – Look! These guys never learn


Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - Transport Cabinet Secretary Kipchumba Murkomen has moved to explain why he increased charges for acquiring smart driving licenses to Ksh3,050.

Speaking during an interview, the CS attributed the charge to the high cost of producing a copy of a license.

Therefore, the National Transport and Safety Authority has to factor in how much they spend on the production of the licenses before determining the cost charged to applicants.

"The driving license prices are informed by the costs involved in producing the same," he stated.

Notably, according to the State Department of Transport, each DL costs Ksh350 to produce. This was based on a revelation made at a parliamentary committee hearing on May 20.

On the other hand, Murkomen also explained why NTSA required applicants to undertake biometrics registrations during the renewal of the licenses.

According to the CS, biometrics are usually required during the application and renewal process to authenticate the applicant.

Further, the CS revealed that the government would be making changes in the application and renewal of driving licenses in due course.

He added that the process would be made seamless and beneficial to Kenyans who wish to acquire the document.

"We are going to change the whole ecosystem of renewal of driving licenses and what it means, how to do it and we shall renew it in the near future," he added.

Notably, according to the National Road Safety Action Plan 2024-2028, NTSA will be phasing out the old driving licenses (the red ones) in three years.


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