KALONZO tells RUTO to meet the demands of Gen Z or be overthrown – Press conferences and task forces will not help!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - Former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has urged President William Ruto to heed the demands made by Gen Z or be overthrown from power.

Speaking at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) on Tuesday, Kalonzo stated that the government needs to address the issues concerning Gen Zs in the country.

He cautioned that Gen Zs would replace the current leaders if they are not careful, adding that they believe they are now capable of leading the country. 

"If we are not careful, all of us will be thrown out by Gen Zs because they say they've come of age. They say they are the leaders of tomorrow, but we are leaders now. 

"We can't wish them away," he said.

The Wiper Democratic Movement party leader urged Ruto to implement the recommendations of the NADCO committee, highlighting the signing of the IEBC Bill into law as one of the key recommendations.

In the same event, Kalonzo continued to call for the resignation of the Inspector General of Police, Japhet Koome, whom he accused of being behind the killing of 42 unarmed protestors during the countrywide Gen Z protests.


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