Mr. President I will not stop preaching Mt Kenya unity no matter what! – GACHAGUA tells RUTO

Monday, June 10, 2024 - Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has urged his boss, President William Ruto, that nothing will stop him from 'uniting' the Mt Kenya region.

During the Annual Akorino Conference in Nakuru County on Sunday, Gachagua dismissed the narrative that his push for Mt. Kenya unity amounts to tribalism.

Gachagua, who spoke in front of President William Ruto, maintained he would not relent in advocating for the interests and unity of the Mt. Kenya region.

Responding to Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria, who slammed him earlier, Gachagua pointed out that the unity of Mt. Kenya does not mean hating other regions.

 “I have heard my brother Moses Kuria asking the Akorino Church to be united. 

"It is true because they have unique issues to do with the Akorinos. 

"But, the coming together of the Akorinos does not mean they are uniting against the Catholic Church or the PCEA. 

"It is because they have their unique challenges,” Gachagua explained.


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