RUTO gave flashy Equatorial Guinea Vice President, TEDDY NGUEMA, a military chopper to have an aerial view of Tsavo National Park after denying Gachagua the same chopper (VIDEO).

Thursday, May 23, 2024 - Flamboyant Equatorial Guinea Vide President, Teddy Nguema, had a scenic aerial view of the Tsavo National Park aboard a military chopper when he recently visited Nairobi for the Africa Fertilizer Summit.

Nguema, who lives large as millions of ordinary citizens in his country live from hand to mouth, stayed in Nairobi for a few days to have fun as other African Presidents left after the summit.

The opulent son of the Head of State and country's Deputy President shared a video enjoying the scenic view of Tsavo aboard the military chopper.

This is the same chopper that Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua was denied a few weeks ago.

Gachagua requested the chopper to fly him for a tree planting exercise during the National Tree planting day but his request was turned down, citing orders from above.

Watch the video.


The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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