RAILA ODINGA’s ODM to summon Education CS over mass hiring of KISIIS at TSC – He has been dishing out employment forms at funerals

Thursday, May 9, 2024 - Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Members of Parliament have lambasted Education Cabinet Secretary, Ezekiel Machogu for allegedly hiring his tribesmen at the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

According to the MPs, since his appointment, Machogu has been hiring members of the Kisii community and he has been dishing employment letters during funerals in Kisii and Nyamira counties.

In a statement on Thursday, the ODM Secretary General accused Machogu of unbiased employment opportunities.

Sifuna, who is also the Nairobi County Senator, demanded an explanation of how Kenyans who did not vote for the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) will get government jobs.

He also accused Tourism Cabinet Secretary Dr Alfred Mutua of doing the same when it comes to hiring Kenya Wildlife Service wardens.

"We will lodge formal complaints to the relevant authorities in the next few days. 

"We have also asked members of our Parliamentary Group (PG) to summon the CS for Education and his Tourism and Wildlife counterpart Alfred Mutua to explain the hiring policy at TSC, KWS, and other government departments, and how Kenyans who are not UDA supporters can also access employment opportunities," Sifuna stated.


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