LIMURU III conference was a meeting of losers led by UHURU KENYATTA – RUTO’s men say


Sunday, May 19, 2024 - A section of President William Ruto’s close associates has poured cold water on the just concluded Limuru III conference.

The conference was organized by Narc Kenya chairperson Martha Karua and former Ndaragwa MP Jeremiah Kioni.

The conference was to address issues affecting the Mt Kenya region.

However, speaking at Tombo Primary School in Malava, the Kenya Kwanza Alliance leaders trained their guns on former president Uhuru Kenyatta, accusing him of being behind the divisive Limuru III conference.

The leaders accused Uhuru of pushing a divisive and tribal agenda after the Limuru III meeting endorsed him as the leader of the Haki Coalition.

"Uhuru needs to emulate the late Mwai Kibaki. When he took over the presidency from Daniel Moi, people thought he would frustrate his predecessor. 

"But this never happened. When he retired after serving his term, he kept a low profile and never came back to interfere with how Kenyatta was running the country," Laikipia East MP Mwangi Kiunjuri

National Assembly majority leader Kimani Ichung'wah termed the Limuru III meeting a platform for political losers seeking relevance.

 “Regional, ethnic, and backward politics have been passed by time; the politics of personality worship and personality-based politics are behind us. 

"Looking ahead, as leaders in this country, we want politics based on ideology; politics that will unite the people of Kenya as one in pursuit of prosperity for the benefit of the majority of Kenyans," Ichung'wah said.



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