KALONZO now begs MPs to hasten LINTURI’s impeachment – The thug belongs to jail not in office

Friday, May 10, 2024 – Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka now wants Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi impeached like yesterday for duping Kenyan farmers with fake fertilizer.

Addressing Azimio's presser, Kalonzo called for hastened impeachment of Linturi, urging the committee presiding over the impeachment to honour the impeachment notice.

According to Kalonzo, Linturi doesn’t not deserve to be in office, being paid by taxpayers’ money after what he did to poor farmers, and to some extent, the entire country.

He noted that Linturi belongs to jail over the fertilizer scandal, and urged MPs to impeach him as soon as possible.

Besides, he faulted Linturi for bringing unprecedent disaster in the Agriculture Ministry despite his docket being the backbone of the country.

"Linturi’s reign at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development has been an unprecedented disaster. Kenyan farmers were supplied with fake fertilizer," Kalonzo claimed.


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