Inauma sana: Rapper JULIANI cries out and shares a video of his multi-million property being demolished by the Government! RUTO hana huruma.

Monday, May 27, 2024 - Renowned rapper and activist, Julius Owino alias Juliani, is counting losses after his property was demolished by the Government.

The former Ukoo Flani rapper has been running an art centre in Dandora for the last 7 years.

The building christened ‘Dandora Hip Hop City’ has been a vital hub for the local youth and artists in Dandora.

It was demolished following an order by the Ministry of Interior that all buildings located near rivers should be demolished.

The center, located 30 meters from the river, has been a sanctuary for young people seeking to express themselves through hip-hop, dance, and visual arts.

Juliani shared a video of the art centre being demolished on his X account and said his heart was shattered.

The acclaimed rapper said he was planning to upgrade the facility, only for the Government to demolish it.

“This is not the end but inauma sana. To think that we were working on expanding to the neighbouring spaces and upgrading the facility,” he tweeted

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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