High Court freezes Sh 62 million seized in former CS UKUR YATANI’s residence –Imagine it was his NEPHEW who was hiding the loot.

Monday, May 6, 2024 - The Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission (EACC) has obtained an order from the High Court preserving $460,000 (Sh 62,100,000) the anti-graft body seized in the ongoing investigation into former Cabinet Secretary and Marsabit Governor Ukur Yatani.

The amount, which is in 4,600 pieces of USD 100 denominations, was seized from his nephew Ibrae Doko Yatani.

The freezing orders were issued by Justice Esther Maina on Friday and will be in force for six months.

“I am satisfied that there are reasonable grounds laid for the preservation of the funds. An order be and is hereby issued allowing the applicant to continue to detain 4,600 pieces of US Dollars 100 denomination seized from the Respondent's residence on 24th April 2024. 

"The order shall be for a period of six months as provided in Section 56(3) of the Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes Act (ACECA),” the court ruled.

“The order shall be served upon the Respondent within 7 days of today's date. That there be no order as to costs. It is so ordered.”

EACC told the High Court that possession of the amount raises reasonable suspicion that the money may constitute proceeds of corruption or unexplained wealth.

The commission submitted that Yatani might be engaged in money laundering, hence the need to investigate the source.

Ukur Yatani together with Marsabit Governor Mohamud Mohamed Ali, top county officials, and close family members are under investigation for alleged theft of public funds, abuse of office, procurement irregularities, conflict of interest, and unexplained wealth.


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