Flashy city businessman MOSES MWENDA robbed at gunpoint by Kenya Wildlife Service police officers near Bar Next Door along Kiambu Road - The cops are engaging in criminal activities.

Monday, May 13, 2024 - Flamboyant city businessman Moses Mwenda was over the weekend accosted and robbed at gunpoint along Kiambu Road by Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) police officers, who are allegedly engaging in armed robberies.

Narrating the horrific incident on his Facebook account, Mwenda said the officers were armed with a gun and knives.

He was robbed of money, a laptop, documents, and other expensive personal items.

He reported the matter at Muthaiga Police Station and upon investigations, it was established that the suspects were KWS police officers.

The vehicle they were using was captured on CCTV during the robbery incident.

There are several recorded incidents involving the same car.

In one incident, a victim was seriously injured.

Check out his post.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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