Video shows Captain MOHAMMED SORA, the pilot who was flying the chopper that killed General OGOLLA interacting with his colleagues at Moi Air Base, Eastleigh - He had just been promoted.

Friday, April 19, 2024 - Captain Mohamed Sora was flying the ill-fated military chopper that claimed the life of KDF General Francis Ogolla during an official duty.

Sora appeared to be a friendly and jovial guy if an undated video of him interacting with his colleagues at the Moi Air Base in Eastleigh is anything to go by.

In the undated video, the youthful pilot is seen sharing a light moment with his colleagues at the airbase.

He was a very young man with a promising career in the military.

He had just been promoted to captain.

Sadly, his life was cut short in the tragic chopper crash.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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