Meet FRANKFORD MOGIRE, the only survivor in the deadly crash that claimed the life of General FRANCIS OGOLLA - He reportedly jumped mid-air (PHOTOs).

Friday, April 19, 2024 - Frankford Karanja Mogire is the only survivor in the deadly chopper crash that claimed the life of Kenya Defence Forces boss Francis Ogolla and other military officials.

Karanja was a photographer in the army, having joined the forces in 2015 after studying journalism.

He has been putting his skills into practice as a KDF photographer.

His father is also in the army.

According to reports, he jumped mid-air and miraculously survived the crash.

The ill-fated chopper crashed in the Sindar area on the border of West Pokot and Elgeyo Marakwet counties.

Witnesses said it burst into flames on crashing.

See photos of the sole survivor.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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