Panic as RUTO’s govt vows to end permanent employment for all civil servants by this Friday after Doctors’ strike – See what arrogant MOSES KURIA said?

 Wednesday, April 24, 2024 – The government of President William Ruto has proposed to end permanent employment for all civil servants.

Speaking during a press conference on Tuesday, Public Service Cabinet Secretary Moses Kuria confirmed that the plan is well in motion and is set to be presented to the cabinet on Friday for review.

Upon approval, all government workers will now be renewed on a contractual basis. 

All civil servants, across all job groups, will cease being permanent employees and be placed on contract terms if a new proposal fronted by the government sails through.

He raised concern about how one million civil servants gobbled up almost half of the country's tax revenues, contributing to the country's bloated public wage bill.

He pointed out that austerity measures needed to be effected to lower the wage bill and reduce the burden on the taxpayers.

"Last week, we were in the wage bill conference and pointed out that one million consuming 50 percent of our tax revenue means there's something wrong. 

"That is why if the doctors think we are against them, this week on Friday, I will be moving to Cabinet to present a proposal which if Cabinet approves, all government workers from drivers to cleaners to everyone will be converted to contract. No one will be on permanent terms.

"If you want to be permanent, show me that even your tenure on earth is permanent, we are all on a contract basis even on this earth," Kuria stated. 

While addressing the doctors' strike, Kuria questioned why the union declined to respect court orders directing the strike to be suspended.

To that effect, Kuria ordered the union's dues to be suspended. 


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