We are worse than the darkest days of KANU – MARTHA KARUA says and reveals how RUTO is mismanaging the country.

Monday, March 25, 2024 - Narc Kenya chairperson, Marth Karua, has said the country is more dire than during the infamous KANU days.

Speaking during an interview with former Cabinet Minister Cyrus Jirongo, Karua said that when she compares the country's best and worst days, Kenya Kwanza's administration has put the country in a position that is worse than its most dreaded times.

"We've been in Parliament together for more than a decade and look at even our worst and best times. Our worst time being the end times of the Kanu era, our best days being the Kibaki days, especially the initial days and I can say without equivocation that where we are is worse than the darkest days of Kanu," Karua said on Thee Alpha House podcast.

Karua insisted that with the current leadership, Kenya has sunk to its lowest level ever.

She added that the taxation is also expected to increase in the coming days, which will hurt Kenyans more.

"We've sunk to our lowest, we've never, as a country been as mismanaged, as misgoverned, misruled as it is today. We have a self-centered regime, that doesn't care about the people," Karua said.

"The burden of taxation is as heavy yet the budget outlook statement is clear that the burden is going to triple if not go beyond that. 

And the deterioration of services and quality of leadership, it makes me look back where we have been."

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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