Video shows how TikTokers who attended CHIRA’s funeral misbehaved as villagers plan to hold a cleansing ceremony to chase away bad spirits.

Thursday, March 28, 2024 - The burial ceremony of the late TikToker Brian Chira left the villagers at Gathanje, Kiambu County astonished after youthful mourners who attended the final send-off misbehaved.

The burial ceremony drew a crowd of prominent figures from the content-creating community, known as the "Chira Clan’’.

The villagers had never seen such a large and unruly crowd of young people.

Some of the mourners showed little respect for village elders. 

Even the religious leaders were denied the opportunity to lead the service at the gravesite.

Disorder broke out as hundreds of TikTokers gathered around the grave, some of them drunk and reckless.

Villagers and even family members stood back, allowing them to bury their friend without fully understanding what was happening.

They danced, recorded videos, and took selfies around Chira's resting place.

The villagers are now planning to hold a cleansing ceremony to remove any negative spirits left behind.

We didn't like the way they dressed, smoked and drank alcohol in front of us.

"They didn't even respect the clergy. 

"They were disrespecting our Kikuyu traditions, and we've never seen that before. They urinated everywhere. 

"That's not the way we were brought up. We're worried about their future and how they're going to raise their own children. 

"It was a struggle even for the church to get access to the grave site,’ one of the villagers said.

After the burial, TikTokers performed rituals at Chira's grave site, including watering the flowers with alcohol.

In Kikuyu culture, we don't step on graves, dance around them, or drink alcohol there. 

"They should go back to church because, despite his fame, Brian is nothing after today; he's left nothing to show that he ever existed, said one of the angry villagers.

Below is a video showing how the young mourners, mostly TikTokers, misbehaved on the road as they made a grand entry to Chira’s village where the burial was held.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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