Two brothers from a wealthy Karen Family, one of whom is a pilot, exposed for assaulting their wives - They enjoy police protection.


Monday, March 4, 2024 - Former Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko, has exposed two brothers from a wealthy family in Karen for assaulting their wives.

Sajid Rasul and his brother Shahid (who is a pilot) have subjected their spouses to such severe abuse that Sajid’s wife, Farhana Salim, suffered a miscarriage and went into early labor due to the assaults.

Unfortunately, no action has been taken against them, as they seem to be very influential and connected, making it difficult for victims to report incidents.

 Farhana Salim attempted to report the abuse multiple times at Hardy Police Station but was unsuccessful until she managed to file a report at Karen Police Station last year.

Sajid Rasul's assault on his pregnant wife, Farhana, when she was eight months pregnant, resulted in pregnancy complications.

On Sunday, Sajid's brother seriously assaulted his wife Maliha and locked her in the room, prompting her to seek help while crying via phone.

 She sounded distressed and in a lot of pain.

Unfortunately, her subsequent unavailability on the phone has raised concerns over her safety.

The two brothers seemingly enjoy protection from their uncle, Azam, who intimidates those who try to intervene.

 Azam even threatened Farhana at Karen Police Station, asserting his financial influence and implying impunity for their actions.

Check out Sonko’s tweet.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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