SHARON ACHOLA (Pictured) mourns after her campus boyfriend committed suicide, shortly after making threats on Facebook - He blamed his parents and siblings for making his life hard.

Thursday, March 28, 2024 - Sharon Achola, a student at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology Siaya campus is mourning after her boyfriend Laban Onyango committed suicide in his rented house at Southlands Estate in Siaya town.

Laban, 25, was a student at the same campus.

Sharon told police that she visited Laban on Tuesday morning and during the night, he kept threatening to take his life and even made a Facebook post about his intentions, claiming that his parents and siblings were making his life hard. 

On Wednesday morning, she woke up and went to take a bath then returned and found the door locked from inside. 

She then raised an alarm that attracted neighbours who swiftly responded and climbed over the roof, only to find Laban Onyago hanging with a lesso around his neck. 

The neighbours cut the lesso and then rushed Onyango to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

The scene was processed and documented before the body was moved to the mortuary pending autopsy.

Below are photos of the grieving lady and her boyfriend who committed suicide.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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