RUTO has managed to divide ODM the way he divided JUBILEE – See how RAILA ODINGA’s ‘orphans’ are 'fighting'

Tuesday, March 12, 2024 - President William Ruto has managed to divide the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party, going by how party members have begun to speak.

Ruto began destroying the Orange party when he urged the party leader, Raila Odinga, to vie for the African Union Commission Chairperson seat.

Raila Odinga, like a warthog, forgot that the same Ruto who advised him to vie for the AUC seat is the same man who managed to divide the Jubilee Party and send its party leader, Uhuru Kenyatta, to political oblivion.

Already, there is sharp division in ODM with a section of leaders arguing about who will fit into Raila Odinga's shoes once he joins the African Union.

Some members argue that former Kakamega County Governor Wycliffe Oparanya is the best suited to succeed Raila Odinga, while others argue that former Mombasa County Governor Hassan Joho is the ideal candidate.

On Tuesday, Kileleshwa ward MCA, Robert Alai said the best person to succeed Raila Odinga is Oparanya and not Hassan Joho.

Alai further said Joho would completely ruin ODM if he became party leader.

Governor Joho can’t lead ODM. He reduced the influence of ODM's main support base in Mombasa. ODM will scatter with Joho as the leader,” Alai wrote on X.


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