RIGATHI GACHAGUA praises RUTO for reviving the economy that UHURU left in ICU

Tuesday, March 26, 2024 - Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has showered President William Ruto with praises for managing to revive the economy that was left in tatters by former President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Speaking as he joined the family and friends of Igwamiti Ward MCA Irene Wachuka alias Mama Yao at the farewell service of her husband John Ndumia Muturi at Nyahururu Stadium, Laikipia County on Monday, the deputy President highlighted that lowering the cost of fertilizer has led to improved yields for the farmers and has had a positive impact to the economy.

He stated that the weakening of the dollar against the shilling is also an imminent sign that the government led by the president has taken positive strides in sorting out the economy.

"Kwa mambo ya uchumi, rais amejitahidi na math day umeanza kuonekana. 

"Tulipoingia mbole ilikuwa elfu saba. Sasa ni 2,500. Unga ilikuwa 240 sasa ni 130, dollar ilikuwa-62, Sasa ni 134 na ni kwa sababu ya mpangilio. 

"Na rais alíala Chini kupanga sababu alikuta vitu zikiwa mbaya. Sasa kazi imeanza kuonekana," he said.

"Tutaendelea pole pole na akimaliza kipindi yake tutarudi tena hapa kuwaambia tushikane tumuongeze kazi yake ikiwa imesimama."

The second in command further called upon Kenyans to exercise patience, saying the government is working out viable solutions for issues ailing different sectors of the economy.


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