Murang’a Governor IRUNGU KANG’ATA to be feted for reforming healthcare in his county as WAMATANGI continues to loot public money

Wednesday, March 27, 2024 – Murang’a County Governor, Irungu Kang’ata, has been nominated for the Health Leadership Award for transforming healthcare in his county.

When he took power from his predecessor, Mwangi Wa Iria in 2022, Murang’a County healthcare was very poor and hospitals like Murang’a Level 5 Hospital looked like a ‘cattle dip or a makeshift morgue’

However, when he took over in September 2022, Kang'ata came up with brilliant transformation ideas like ‘Kang’ata Care’ and the digitization of hospital records which was a first in the country.

Currently, Murang’a County is leading in terms of healthcare and the Ministry of Health under the leadership of Dr Susan Nakhumicha wants to reward the first-time governor.

Speaking on Monday during World TB Celebrations Day, Nakhumicha said she is impressed by Kang'ata's healthcare program and his Uji Programme for School-going children.

“Just sitting here and looking at the progress you have made like the Uji programme for school-going children that is a game changer because nutrition is the foundation of good health,” Nakhumicha said.


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