JSC recommends the sacking of High Court Judge MOHAMED NOOR KULLOW over corruption – RUTO was right!


Wednesday, March 6, 2024 - The Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has asked the President to form a tribunal to investigate High Court Judge Mohammed Noor Kullow for violating the constitution and Judicial Service Code of Conduct.

According to a statement from the Chief Justice Martha Koome-led Commission, three out of the five filed petitions had sufficient grounds for the removal of Justice Noor, who currently sits in the Environmental Court.

The grounds included; gross misconduct, incompetence and violation of the Judicial Service Code of Conduct with two of the petitions dismissed for failure to meet the threshold for removal.

“In addition, upon receipt of several complaints, the JSC on 31st May 2023 resolved on its own motion, to initiate proceedings for the removal of Justice Kullow from office, for inordinately delaying or failing to deliver rulings or judgments in a total of 116 matters,” a statement from JSC read in part.

 “The Commission has Petitioned His Excellency the President, William Ruto, to appoint a tribunal in accordance with the Constitution.”

President William Ruto will suspend the judge within 14 days after receiving the petition from JSC and appoint a tribunal to investigate the grounds for removal of Justice Noor.


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