I will use all my connections to ensure RAILA ODINGA becomes African Union Chairperson - WETANGULA says

 Sunday, March 3, 2024 - National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula has vowed to use his connections to ensure former Prime Minister Raila Odinga becomes African Union Chairperson.

Addressing a crowd during the opening of an IT hub at Mathanga Seminary in Bungoma County on Saturday, March 2, 2024, Wetangula stated that the state was fully backing the opposition leader to secure the prestigious position since he (Raila) has all it takes to lead the continent.

Wetangula noted that Raila's bid was a state project and that the government would campaign for the opposition leader across the continent to ensure he won the position.

"Serikali tayari imesema, na rais wa nchi William Ruto amesema tumepeleka mheshimiwa Raila kama candidate wetu, zingine zote tutafanya, mtu kama papa wa Roma hapa nikienda every African country, the president ni mtu tunajuana, speaker ni mtu tunajuana, Vice President ni mtu tunajuana. 

"Pande zote we are going to put on our jogging shoes to make sure we rotate around Africa to campaign for Raila to make sure he will be the next chairman of the African Union," he said.


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