I will fire all the striking doctors – CS NAKHUMICHA says there are over 3000 jobless doctors in the country ready to be recruited.

Friday, March 22, 2024 - Health Cabinet Secretary, Susan Nakhumicha has threatened to sack doctors participating in the strike called by the Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists' Union (KMPDU) and recruit new ones.

Speaking on Thursday, Nakhumicha said she had instructed Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) to recruit new doctors and replace those who are striking.

For instance, she said KUTRRH has over 400 doctors in its database waiting to be employed to ensure services continue.

“This evening, I have given instructions to KUTRRH and KNH to recruit, and once we recruit, that is it. For instance, KU has over 400 doctors waiting to be employed in their database. 

"We have to put a measure in place. The places have to be manned. We have an ICU the patient needs to be taken care of. I cannot sit and stay put,” Nakhumicha said.

According to the Health CS, she cannot allow a crisis to persist in the health sector, yet the country has nearly 3,000 unemployed doctors.

“Services will be offered. That I can assure you. We have made all plans possible to make sure services will be offered. 

"There are close to 3, 000 doctors who are unemployed, and we will not allow a crisis to come,” the CS added.


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