CS LINTURI is a big letdown to RUTO – See how he has failed spectacularly despite the president’s clear directive?

 Wednesday, March 20, 2024 – Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi is on the spot for failing President William Ruto.

This is after he failed spectacularly to sort out the mess that is fertilizer distribution in Mt. Kenya.

Farmers from three counties, Kirinyaga, Nyeri, and Murang'a are still facing difficulties accessing the subsidised fertiliser despite Ruto’s directive.

The farmers who have been camping outside the respective National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) distribution centers have complained that none of them has received the fertiliser.

Some revealed that they had received their notification to collect the farming input about four days ago but the distribution centres are empty.

"Dear xxx, you have a voucher code xxx for four bags of fertiliser. This voucher will expire in 30 days. Please visit your nearest NCPB depot to redeem. Thank you, Ministry of Agriculture," read one of the messages sent to the farmers on March 6.

They further argued that the distribution centre managers had failed to explain the delay or give a way forward to resolve the crisis.

According to some of the farmers, the delay will derail their plans for the planting season, urging the government to intervene and ensure the prompt distribution of the necessary material.

"I was here at 4 am and it's now 2 pm and I do not see any signs of getting my bags of fertilisers today. I want to know when I will receive the bags since I already made the payment," one of the farmers stated.

These complaints came only a few days after Ruto directed Linturi and Principal Secretary Paul Ronoh to resolve the menace in different parts of the country, but it seems they are sleeping on the job.

The Kenyan DAILY POSTs

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