Affordable Housing shocker as RUTO introduces another requirement for Kenyans before buying the houses – Look! Many didn’t see this coming

 Friday, March 1, 2024 – President William Ruto has introduced another requirement for Kenyans before they buy his controversial Affordable Houses.

Speaking during an interview, Ruto, through Molo MP and the National Assembly Finance Committee chair, Kimani Kuria, said Kenyans intending to buy houses under the Affordable Housing Programme will be required to present a tax-compliance certificate before being allocated a unit.

He revealed that the requirement was introduced in the revised Affordable Housing Bill which is set for debate in the Senate.

He explained that the new requirement was aimed at ensuring that only Kenyans who contribute to the Housing Fund benefit from the programme.

This follows the decision to include those who are in the informal sector in the 1.5 per cent Housing Levy plan.

Previously, Kenyans were only required to present their Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) and have an ID before buying a unit.

"If you are buying it (the house), you certainly have an income. 

"Therefore, it will be very unfair for someone who is earning Ksh30,000 to pay the 1.5 per cent yet someone else with a similar income doesn't pay to the Housing Fund but is qualified for a house.”

"We added another qualification that said 'for you to benefit from the Affordable Housing programme, you must be tax compliant'. There is a need to provide a tax-compliance certificate," he stated.

The Affordable Housing Bill is set to be debated in the Senate during the week. MPs passed the bill before moving it to the upper house given that certain clauses touched on the county governments.


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