Was BRENDA KANDIE, the lady who died 3 days after landing in Ireland murdered? - Her mother reveals shocking details and exposes her boyfriend badly.


Wednesday, February 21, 2024 - A family in Baringo is seeking justice after their 23-year-old daughter died under mysterious circumstances, three days after landing in Dublin, Ireland for further studies.

Brenda Kandie’s death is shrouded in mystery, with claims that she took her own life being disputed by her mother.

Brenda’s mother revealed that on February 11, just three days after arriving in Ireland, she called her at around 5.08 pm.

She claimed that she wanted to talk to her brother, who didn’t have a phone at the time.

Her mother handed over the phone to the brother but noticed something was amiss as they two were talking.

 “I handed the phone to her brother and I sensed that something was amiss. A few minutes later, I noticed that her brother, who had moved some distance away from me, was crying and I snatched the phone and asked her what was wrong,’’ she said.

Bridget told her mother she was stressed but insisted it had nothing to do with money.

She alleged that her boyfriend had locked her in the house and threatened to stab her.

She further added that she was fearing for her life after the traumatizing incident.

“I informed her to call the authorities and she said she had already done so. 

"I also advised her to inform the same student from Kabarnet, who was also living with her in the same city but she claimed she would handle it,” narrated the mother.

That was the last time she heard from her daughter.

She received the sad news of her sudden demise two days later from relatives and friends after unsuccessfully trying to reach her on the phone.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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  1. I hope her boyfriend was not this satanic Kenbens/Bokor-kebens/Lembus.They commit such act and own it as a community. These ash-hole tribes operating system is these heinous act towards their loves ones and none-tribes that live in their midst.
