Things went South for a Nakuru Boda Boda rider on Valentine’s Day after his fianceé stole his household items and left his house almost empty(PHOTOs).

Friday, February 16, 2024 - Kelvin Moemi, a boda boda rider from Nakuru, was shocked after he returned home from work on Valentine’s Day and found his house almost empty.

The heartbroken rider took to social media and claimed that his fiancé stole his household items and vanished.

She moved into his house six months ago, not knowing that she had an evil plan.

“Alibeba utensils, skyplast, gas, meza, stand ya tv, kiti 3 seater, shoe rack, woofer, bed and beddings, curtains, briefcase ilikua na documents including ID na vitu za dadangu mdogo na vitu zingine ndogondogo,” he lamented.

“I first suspected alitoa mimba, I tried to fix things but kumbe nimekua nikifuga nyoka.She's left me with nothing, niko na loan ya piki, rent arrears,” he added.

Kelvin went home early with Valentine’s Gifts to surprise her but found the house empty.

Their relationship has been marred with endless disputes.

“Kuna group alikua ameingiana so tumekua tukiargue. She is rude na matusi but I guess I was too soft.

 I never hit her akanizoea,” he said.

He has since reported the matter to the police.

See the photos that he posted.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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