See you in court! KHALWALE vows to teach billionaire CLEOPHAS SHIMANYULA a lesson he will never forget for implicating him in the murder of his farmhand

 Wednesday, February 7, 2024 – Kakamega Senator Boni Khalwale has vowed to teach billionaire businessman Cleophas Shimanyula, alias Toto, a lesson or two.

This is after he implicated him in the murder of his 46-year-old farmhand by the name of Kizito Moi, which was later discovered that he was gored to death by Khalwale’s bull.

According to Toto, Khalwale was aggrieved by his farmhand's supposed philandering ways with his (Khalwale's) wife; he thus eliminated him.

Following the damaging assertions, Khalwale elected to seek legal redress.

In a statement, Khalwale announced he would institute a legal suit against Toto.

He started it off by booking a statement of complaint with the law enforcers at the Malinya Police Station on Tuesday, February 6, a day after Kizito's burial.

"I have today (Tuesday, February 6) commenced the process for legal responsibility by Kakamega contractor Cleophas Shimanyula, aka Toto following his wild, baseless, unfounded, and false claims in respect of the death of my fighter bull caretaker, the late Kizito Moi Amukune. 

"Formally recorded a complaint in the OB at Malinya Police Station," Khawale said.


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