RUTO has his way as Kenya Kwanza MPs acrimoniously pass the draconian Affordable Housing Bill after Azimio MPs walked out in protest

 Thursday, February 22, 2024 – President William Ruto once again had his way yesterday after Members of Parliament passed the controversial Affordable Housing Bill after a third reading.

The MPs passed the Affordable Housing Bill with amendments by a simple majority after Azimio legislators stormed out of the chambers in protest.

In a press briefing outside Parliament, the Raila Odinga-allied MPs argued that all their proposed amendments were rejected by the House, claiming that the exercise was flawed.

Led by Suna East MP Junet Mohamed, the Azimio politicians noted that the House was acting on instructions from State House to pass the bill without any amendments. 

"We want to tell members of the Azimio coalition that many of them filed amendments as early as yesterday but unfortunately it looks like there are instructions from the Kenya Kwanza regime that the Bill must be passed without any amendments," Junet noted.

"They are not listening to the amendments or issues that can make life better for Kenyans. For that reason, we have instructed our members to drop all our amendments because they are not been engaged in a manner that can make the bill better."

The Affordable Housing Bill is now slated for consideration by the Senate for concurrence.


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