Kangethe, who is wanted in the United States over the murder of his
girlfriend, Margaret Mbitu, escaped from the police station last week with the
assistance of four police officers who have already lost their jobs.
A sleuth who is chasing Kangethe said the suspect is currently with his
brother who is also on the run.
The detective said Kang’ethe and his brother
met on the day he escaped from Muthaiga police station.
“The two linked up moments after
the suspect escaped and they have since switched off their mobile phones. It is
highly believed that they are together,” the officer said.
Earlier, it was reported that the
suspect’s phone signals had been traced in Kiambu and Machakos counties.
“A few hours after he escaped from
Muthaiga police station his phone signals were traced to Machakos county.
Officers are also aware of the people he contacted during that period,” a DCI
officer stated.
The Kenyan DAILY POST.