Only CS NJUGUNA NDUNG’U will now be flying as he bans other Treasury officials from using flights – They will now use SGR or travel by road!

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 - Treasury Principal Secretary Chris Kiptoo shocked officials at the ministry when he informed them that Treasury CS Njuguna Ndung’u had banned air travel for staff seeking to go to Mombasa from any part of the country.

 Speaking during an interview, Kiptoo stated that only CS Ndung’u was approved to fly under the ministry's cost-saving measures.  

On a need-to-need basis, Principal Secretaries in the ministry can also be approved for flights. 

PS Kiptoo remarked that the proposals stemmed from a team tasked with exploring measures to trim the ministry expenditure as Kenya continues to revive the economy. 

“We saw the need to implement austerity measures. We agreed on a raft of measures which we believe will result in a significant reduction in expenditure,” he explained. 

“We have said flying to Mombasa will only be for the Cabinet Secretary. Maybe the Principal Secretary and senior staff who by this nature of the job cannot travel can be allowed.”

Other staff members in the ministry will be required to board the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) train and any other alternatives including travelling by road. 

Other measures set to reduce expenditures at the exchequer include abolishing the purchase of snacks via budgeted funds. 

At the moment, the Ministry only offers drinking water to its staff with individuals required to purchase meals from their pockets. 

PS Kiptoo remarked that the Treasury had further adopted affordable environment-friendly materials during construction and stopped the majority of ongoing infrastructure projects. 

The PS urged other Principal Secretaries who act as accounting officers for ministries to explore ways to cut down expenditure. 


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