ISIOLO leaders plead with GACHAGUA to include the county as part of Mt Kenya region –This is the DP’s response


Thursday, February 8, 2024 - A section of Isiolo County leaders have pleaded with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua and other Mt Kenya leaders to include the county as part of the Mt Kenya region.

Led by Isiolo County Assembly Speaker Mohamed Roba, they urged the DP to allow leaders and residents of Isiolo to be counted as one of the Mt Kenya counties, instead of being referred to as part of Northeastern.

“We request you to join your government. Mt Kenya is a few kilometers from Isiolo. 

"We even wonder why can’t we be enjoined with other Mt Kenya counties. 

"Add Isiolo to be part of Mt Kenya because you have shown us how concerned you are in terms of development,” Roba said.

On his part, Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo said they will support all government initiatives aimed at transforming the country.

He said under his leadership, Isiolo would never be outside the government.

“You and President Ruto garnered 63 percent of total votes from Isiolo but this time around be assured 2027 you will get 100 percent,” Guyo said.

Isiolo Woman Rep Mumina Bonaya said the county will fully rally behind the leadership of President Ruto and Gachagua.

“Though most of us were not voted via the UDA party, residents voted for you overwhelmingly. Be assured we are with you all through,” she said.

Gachagua said he and President Ruto embrace all leaders.

“I agree Isiolo is part of Mt Kenya and if you want to join the rest of our eleven counties, you are welcome. 

"We will meet with leaders and deliberate on the issue,” Gachagua said.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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