I was over the moon when the court declared RUTO's Housing Levy illegal – UDA MP says

 Tuesday, January 6, 2024 - Githunguri Member of Parliament, Gathoni Wamuchomba, has for once admitted that she was over the moon when the court stopped the controversial housing levy.

In an interview with one of the local TV stations on Tuesday, Wamuchomba said following the court's decision, she felt the courts stood for truth.

The MP noted that she also felt like the Constitution of Kenya was defended by the judiciary.

"I was one of the happiest people when I saw the Judiciary say no to House Tax. 

"That day I was very happy. Do you know why? Because the Judiciary stood for the truth. 

"The constitution of Kenya which we all swore to protect was defended," she said

The legislator's remarks come a few days after the Court of Appeal declined to suspend orders barring the state from deducting salaried Kenyans housing levy.

Justices Lydia Achode, John Mativo, and Gatembu Kairu said that the public interest lies in awaiting the determination of the appeal.

"This is because if the stay sought is granted at the stage, should we affirm the challenged decision, then some far-reaching decisions that will have been undertaken under the challenged laws may not be reversible," they said.

"Public interest in our view tilts favour of in not granting the stay or the suspension sought."

The High Court had earlier declared the mandatory housing levy unconstitutional.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.

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