Former Nairobi Governor MIKE SONKO comes to the aid of Kenya's wheelchair boxing team (PHOTOs)

Friday, February 16, 2024
 – Today, the Kenya wheelchair boxing team was handed a reprieve after former Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko visited them and donated uniforms and visas.

The team had sought assistance from Sonko and has been pleading with well-wishers to address the needs and challenges facing disabled athletes.

They are set to travel to Poland to participate in a para-boxing tournament in June this year.

Led by Mary Atieno the players had appealed for help to enable them to prepare ahead of June's tournament.

Sonko visited them at their training camp in Shauri Moyo Social Hall where he donated uniforms and visas.

The team also received a punching bag that will help them during this period as they prepare for the tournament.

Mary claimed that they had been hiring the punching bag from a local dealer.

The team is hopeful that they will bring gold home.

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